The Gore Bay Flying Club is located at the Gore Bay - Manitoulin Airport "CYZE".
Coordinates 45.8853° N, 82.5678° W
Airport Specifics (from the airport website)
- 5500' x 100' asphalt runway (supporting jets and prop planes)
- secondary 1625' x 50' runway (supporting smaller aircraft)
- UNICOM / ARCAL - 122.8
- Nav Canada AWOS - 128.725, WxCams
- RCO London Radio - 126.7
- Flight Service - 1-866-WXBRIEF (1-866-992-7433)
- Instrument Approach - NDB 245 MHZ (505' min)
- RNAV (GPS) Approach - No Circling (377' min)
- Canada Customs on-site - 705-282-2181 (May to October)
- CANPASS 1-888-226-7277 (May to October)
- 24 hr washroom and telephone access
- Crew vehicle / taxi available
- 100LL/JetA1 Fuel
- Hangars for lease
- Flight planning and pilots lounge